Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Blessed WILLIAM HART to his Protestant Mother I
Forget not the groanings of thy mother. Ecclus vii. 29
Posted by
Catholic Conclave
12:00 AM
Labels: Blessed, priest, William Hart
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Saint MARGARET CLITHEROE, laywoman, 1586
WIFE of John Clitheroe, sometime Sheriff of York she was thirty years of age and already married when a growing dissatisfaction with the Protestant religion led her, after due inquiry, to embrace the Faith. During the following twelve years of her Catholic life her house was a refuge for priests, whom she received at her own peril and unknown to her husband . With this help she brought up her children in the faith and her eldest son for the priesthood. She managed to hear Mass almost daily, communicated twice a week, and fasted rigorously. For her persistent recusancy she was repeatedly cast into prison, even for two years together and more, but her sufferings only increased her fervour. " Were it not" she said, " for her husband and child she would rather stay there always, apart from the world with God" Still, when at liberty she was most attentive to the care of her house, and with her servant took part herself in the humblest menial work. She was exposed to much ill-usage even from Catholics, who misjudged and censured her, but her constancy and patience never failed. Her husband said she had only two faults, fasting too much and refusing to go to Church.

Posted by
Catholic Conclave
3:17 AM
Labels: 1586, laywoman, Margaret Clitheroe, saint
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Saint MARGARET CLITHEROE, laywoman, 1586
Herod questioned Him in many words, but Jesus anwered him nothing. Luke xxiii. 9
Posted by
Catholic Conclave
12:00 AM
Labels: 1586, laywoman, Margaret Clitheroe, saint
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham

A Lament for Our Lady's Shrine at Walsingham

"In the wrackes of WalsingamWhom should I chuse
But the Queene of Walsingam
To be guide to my muse?
Then thou Prince of Walsingam
Grant me to frame
Bitter plaintes to rewe thy wronge
Bitter wo for thy name.
Bitter was it oh to see
The seely sheepe
Murdered by the raveninge wolves
While the sheephards did sleep.
Bitter was it oh to vewe
The sacred vyne
While the gardiners plaied all close
Rooted up by the swine.
Bitter, bitter oh to behould
The grasse to growe
Where the walls of Walsingam
So stately did shewe.
Such were the works of Walsingam
While shee did stand
Such are the wrackes as now do shewe
Of that so holy land.
Levell levell with the ground
The towres doe lye
Which with their golden, glitteringe tops
Pearsed once to the skye.
Where weare gates no gates are nowe,
The waies unknowen,
Where the press of peares did passe
While her fame far was blowen.
Oules do scrike where the sweetest himnes
Lately weer songe,
Toades and serpents hold their dennes
Wher the palmers did thronge.
Weepe, weepe O Walsingam,
Whose dayes are nightes,
Blessings turned to blasphemies,
Holy deeds to dispites.
Sinne is wher our Ladie sate,
Heaven turned is to hell,
Satham sittes wher our Lord did swaye,
Walsingam, oh farewell ! "
Traditionally ascribed to St Philip Howard.
The restored Catholic Shrine of Walsingham
The Feast is traditionally celebrated on the 25th March. The Feast was restored to the modern Catholic calendar in England in 2000, displacing the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom.
Posted by
Catholic Conclave
6:52 AM
Labels: Our Lady of Walsingham
+ Saint MARGARET CLITHEROE, laywoman, 1586

The Ouse Bridge on which the Tolbooth
I have trodden the wine-press alone. Isaiah lxiii.3
Posted by
Catholic Conclave
5:54 AM
Labels: 1586, laywoman, Margaret Clitheroe, saint
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Blessed JAMES BIRD Layman, 1593
Honour thy father in work and word, and all patience, that a blessing may come upon thee from him. ECCLES. iii.9, 10.
Posted by
Catholic Conclave
12:36 AM
Labels: 1593, Blessed, James Bird, Layman
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Blessed NICHOLAS HORNER Layman, 1590
On the night before his execution, finding himself overwhelmed with anguish, he betook himself to prayer, and perceived a bright crown of glory hanging over his head. Assured of its reality, he said : " O Lord, Thy will be mine," and died with extraordinary signs of joy.
" He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation."—ISA. lxi. 10.
Posted by
Catholic Conclave
12:42 AM
Labels: 1590, Blessed, Layman, Nicholas Horner
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